Campus Printing Services
Rocky’s Copies, managed by RICOH, offers a full suite of copying/printing, finishing, mailing, and office services at Benedictine College. RICOH is the leading provider of innovative products and services that enable our customers to manage document workflow and increase efficiency.
Copying, Printing and Finishing Services
When utilizing the printing services provided by Rocky’s Copies, you can submit the request directly from the document through our TRAC Solutions website. If you are not set up for TRAC Solution, please contact the Rocky’s Copies and we will help you with the setup and any required training. Otherwise, fill out the manual Copy Request Form at Rocky’s Copies completely so that instructions are clear and understandable. We ask that you avoid using “ASAP” when filling in the time/date due section. Please be as specific and realistic as possible.
Rocky’s Copies provides a full range of high-quality printing and finishing services including:
- Black/White and Color Copying and Printing
- Sign / Brochure Printing
- Collating / Stapling
- Oversize / Poster Printing
- Cutting, Folding, Laminating, Mounting
- Binding, Tabbing
- Labeling, Database Scrubs
- Colored and Specialty Papers
- Document and Photo Scanning
- Faxing
- Student Nametags
Specialized copying and binding requests such as oversized originals, hole punching, etc. may have to be sent to our off-site facility. Please use Rocky’s Copies as a resource for any application you may have. Rocky’s Copies personnel will determine which overflow work must be sent to our off-site facility.
Rocky’s Copies is responsible for providing toner and performing key operator service on these machines. If you need assistance using the copiers or if you experience difficulty with any machine, please notify Rocky’s Copies.
Phone: 913-360-7225 or 913-360-7444
Email: or